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🖰 AGENT'S WEBSITE - click on card 🖰
THE LAKES: Rice, Katchewanooka, Clear, Stony, Lovesick, Lower Buckhorn, Buckhorn, Chemong, Little Bald, Big Bald, Pigeon. MAJOR POINTS of INTEREST: Peterborough Lift Lock, Centential Fountain, Museums, Golf Courses, Petroglyphs, Parks, Dining, Entertainment, Accommodations and more. TOWNS & VILLAGES can be found in the region like Peterborough, Lakefield, Buckhorn, Bridgenorth, Ennismore, Millbrook, Norwood, Havelock, and more. MAP
THE LAKES: Pigeon, Sturgeon, Cameron, Scugog, Dalrymple and Balsam. MAJOR POINTS of INTEREST: Kirkfield Lift Lock, The Central East Correctional
Centre, Golf Courses, Parks, Dining, Entertainment, Accommodations, Lindsay Agricultural Exhibition, Victoria Rail Trail and more. TOWNS & VILLAGES are part of the City of Kawartha Lakes: Lindsay, Fenelon Falls, Bobcageon, Woodville, Omemee, Kinmount, Kirkfield, Rosedale and more. MAP
In Anishinaabe language the area was known as, Gaa-waategamaag, "land of reflections". Changed by tourism promoters to Kawartha, meaning "bright waters and happy lands".
Curve Lake First Nation people are of the Mississaugas of the great Anishnaabeg (uhnish-nahbe) Nation. MAP
Hiawatha First Nation are part of Ojibway First Nations. MAP
911 - Ambulance, Fire, Poison, Police
Peterborough Hospital - 705-743-2121
Lindsay Hospital - 705-324-6111
Registered Nurse - free access 24x7,
Telehealth Ontario - 1-866-797-0000
The Trent Severn Waterway web site offers printable maps, lock locations, GPS coordinates, a distance chart from lock to lock, how the hydraulic lift lock works and map links for 35 Towns with streets, grocery store and LCBO and beer store locations all sized to fit your phone or tablet.
We believe that if a group or a region is successful, all within are successful. For Central Ontario the catalyst that binds the region are tourists wanting to visit, people that leave other areas to settle here, real estate that meets and exceeds expectations along with great unique tourist attractions.
View the map and you can see that The Trent Severn Waterway (TTSW) is the backbone of the region. It weaves and touches towns and villages that prosper and are in demand by people wishing to settle. Many other attractions are available as well. Farmer's markets, parks, First Nations, Festivals and the list can go on.
What is the reason you ask for the agents ads at the top of the pages. Simply, you want a local agent to address your Real Estate needs. They understand the value of properties in their respective areas plus all the pros and cons. For example does an agent from Toronto understand the unique markets in the outlying counties? Probably not as well as local.
Just like the TTSW (ttsw.ca) binds the regions we want Central Ontario and it's group of websites to bind the real estate market into a unique experience for seller and buyer alike. When it comes to web sites we will use the following to assist centralontario.com. TheTrentSevernWaterway.com, Kawartha.com, OntarioCottages.com, CottageCountryOntario.com and CanadianExposure.com to give it a broader view.
National Post - Canada
Global News - Canada
CTV News - Canada
Toronto Star - Canada
The Rebel - Canada
The Correspondent - Canada/World
Vancouver Sun - Canada
Montreal Gazette - Canada
Conservative Party of Canada
Liberal Party of Canada
NDP Party of Canada
Green Party of Canada